Lace knitting with a modern twist forms the basis for a collection of innovative garments worked in soft feminine shades.

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Pattern Corrections


left front

last paragraph page 33 - corrections in bold:

next (dec) row (rs) - k1, k2tog, k to end. Rep dec row every rs row 4(4-2-4-4-4-5) times more, then every 4th row 4(4-3-4-5-5-5) times- 3(4-6-7-9-10-12)sts.


- posted 4/15/13


corrections in bold


Errata: Pg.29, Right Wing of written instructions, after row 99 should read “rep row 92-99, working 1 less 4-st rep each time, until 21 sts rem.

-posted 3/27/13


Correction in bold


14 sts and 17 rows = 4" in pattern stitch with size 6 needles (blocked)

-posted 4/25/13

Corrections are in bold.

Agile - page 21

Row 12 - yo, purl to 3 sts before the last turning yo, turn

Row 14 - yo, purl to 3 sts before the last turning yo, turn


page 19 - revised rows 17 & 19 back

row 17 – k2, rep (yo, ssk) until 1 more st is worked into openwork pat than previous rs row, k to first marked st, yo, k1,

                 yo, rep (k2tog, yo) to 2nd marked st, k1, yo, rep (ssk, yo) to 3rd marked st, k1, yo, k to 2 sts before next yo, rep (k2tog, yo) to last 2 sts, k2.

row 19 – k2,k1, rep (yo, ssk) until 1 more st is worked into openwork pat than previous rs row, k to first marked st, yo, k1,

                 yo, rep (k2tog, yo) to 1 st before 2nd marked st, k3, yo, rep (ssk, yo) to 3rd marked st, k1, yo, k to 2 sts before next yo, rep (k2tog, yo) to last 3 sts, k1, k2.


Page 20 – revised row 13 front

Row 13 – error occurs after: 3rd marked stitch, k1, yo, k to 25sts before end of row, k2tog, yo, k to end of row.

-posted 6/7/13

Corrections in bold.

Niche - page 15

left cuff

With size 8 circular needle, cast on 63 (63-67-67-67-71-71) sts.


neck finishing - with smaller circular needle