Inspired by crystals, geodes and gemstones, vol. 7 is a unified vision of 17 pieces with geometric motifs and embossed textures. Knit with the Ultra Alpaca range with touches of Lustra for glimmering shine.

Pattern Corrections

Corrections shown in Bold

Ametista, page 20

Join collar and beg fronts rs) -
Work to first marker, bind off center 35 sts, work to end. Turn as normal, purl to bound off sts. Pick up collar and hold it with bound of sts of each piece meeting (back neck).
Purl sts from first 28 held sts, beg at bound off edge of collar and work to end (you may have to put them on a dpn if the holder is going in the opposite direction). Join another ball of yarn to last 28 sts on holder, beg with last st and purl toward bound off sts of collar (again you may have to put them on a dpn if the holder is going in the opposite direction).
Purl across rest of right front/sleeve sts
 – 131(136-141-146-151-156-161) sts each side.

—posted 10/29/10

Corrections shown in Bold

Bismuto, page 31

note – when working k3tog or p3tog, remove marker and replace it before the resulting st. when there are too few sts to fit comfortably on circular needle, change to double pointed needles, dividing sts evenly on 4 needles and knitting with the fifth.

pattern stitches
dec rnd 1 – *k to 1 st before marker, k3tog; rep form * 3 times more.
dec rnd 2 – *p to 1 st before marker, p3tog; rep from * 3 times more.

—posted 7/21/10

Corrections shown in Bold

Elbaite, page 22

Top of chart – last row is 161 not 163
Top of second column – Work rows 112 – 161 of chart B, 4 times….

—posted 12/20/10

Corrections shown in Bold

Morganite, page 35

Demi-hex 3
Rep rows 3-10 twice more – 110 sts
27 – purl
28 – work as for row 4 – 104 sts
29 – purl
30 – knit
31 – purl
32 – work as for row 4 – 98 sts

4(almost)hex, page 35 2nd column
Rep rows 3-10, 3 times more – 462 sts

—posted 8/12/10


Corrections shown in Bold

Quarzo, page 28

Collar – change to size 9 circular needle

—posted 7/10/10