Two stories with two distinct covers in a flip book design. objet d'art Sculptural poses amid mid-century modern furniture and works of art - each piece incorporating a twist of traditional logic. 3 for all Multiple variations on a theme cardis, pullovers and bags. From three basic shapes come a multitude of choices in our Berroco spring yarns.

Pattern Corrections

Verdandi, page 6


Optional - ½ yd. iron on interfacing


20 sts and 34 rows = 4” in st st on larger needles

—posted 10/13/09


Left Front
Working in st st, cas on 5(6-7-7-8-9) sts at beg of the next 5(5-3-1-5-5) rs rows, then 0(0-6-8-0-0) sts at beg of the next 0(0-2-4-0-0) rs rows-31(35-41-46-49-54) sts. Work even until piece measures 3" from beg, end on ws. Inc row (rs) - k1, m1k, k to end - 32(36-42-47-50-55) sts.

—posted 2/6/09


Note: correction applies to printed booklet version only; free PDF has the corrected charts.

Chart 1- row 49- K1, yo, ssk, K2, yo, ssk, P1, K1, yo, ssk.
Chart 4 - row 49- K1, yo, ssk, P1, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, ssk.



Cuff: With larger needles, cast on 9 sts.  Row 1  - p2, k1, p1, yo, p2 tog, yo, p2 tog, p1.  Rep this row for 11(12-13-14-15-16)”.  Bind off.  With larger needles, pick up and k52(58-62-66-72-76) sts along one long edge of cuff.  Beg with a p row, work 5 rows in St st, end on WS.  Shape cap (rs) – bind off 3(4-5-6-8-9) sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 42(50-52-54-56-58) sts. Dec 1 st each side every 4th row 1(0-0-2-3-4) times, then every rs row 12(14-14-10-8-6) times, end on ws.  Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 2 rows.  Bind off remaining 12(14-16-22-26-30) sts.

Note:  Sleeve in schematic should have the same cap as the sleeve for Aramis.  Instead of tapering down for 6” as on that sleeve, Porthos sleeve should be straight and show a cuff of 2” with 1” St st above that before cap shaping.


circles (make 2)

With circular needle, cast on 380 sts.  Join, being careful not to twist sts.  Mark for beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Knit 7 rnds.

Dec rnd 1: * k8, k2 tog, rep from * around – 342 sts.  Knit 6 rnds.

Dec rnd 2: * k7, k2 tog, rep from * around – 304 sts.  Knit 6 rnds.  In this manner, continue to dec 38 sts on the next rnd, then every 7th rnd 5 times more, knitting 1 less st between decs each time – 76 sts.  Knit 6 rnds.  When there are to few sts to fit comfortably on circular needle, divide sts as evenly as possible on 3 dpn’s.

Dec rnd 9: * k2 tog, rep from * around – 38 sts.  Knit 6 rnds.

Dec rnd 10: * k2 tog, rep from * around – 19 sts.  Knit 6 rnds.

Dec rnd 11: k1, * k2 tog, rep from * around – 10 sts.  Break off yarn leaving a long end.  Thread end into tapestry needle and draw through all sts on needles.  Pull up tightly, secure and fasten off.