The six patterns in this collection combine timeless, simple staple projects with jaw-dropping pieces designed to take advantage of the natural beauty of Berroco Quechua™.

Booklet available at your local yarn shop or online retailer.

Pattern Corrections

Abayomi Chart (booklet version ONLY; single PDF has been corrected.)

There is a decrease missing on Row 15 of the chart. This row should be worked as follows:
Sl 2 wyib, * k1, k2tog, p4, yo, k4, yo, SSK, p2, yo, p2tog, k2. yo, SSK, k2, yo, p4, SSK, k1, rep from * once, k2.

- posted 7/10/17

Daraja corrections - shown in bold

Neck decreases (on both sides of Front):

Rep the last 8 rows, working a Dec Row every RS row, 5 times more, then work Rows 1-6 once more--27 sts decreased.

- posted 2/6/18