These six summertime knitting patterns are perfectly paired with a linen-cotton yarn. Four knitting patterns and two crochet accessory projects show off this yarn's incredible versatility.

Booklet available at your local yarn shop or online retailer.

Pattern Corrections

Azufral, p. 13 in booklet ONLY (single PDF version has been corrected)

Correction shown in bold.

Dec Row (RS):  K1, [k2tog] twice, knit to last 5 sts, [k2tog] twice, k1—4 sts dec’d. 

- posted 3/24/17


Corrections shown in bold.

Front, Left Shoulder:
AT THE SAME TIME, when sleeve measures 7(7-7½-8-8½-9-9½)" above cast-on sts, end on WS. Bind off 4(5-5-6-7-8-8) sts at beg of the next 6(4-6-8-6-4-6) RS rows, then 3(4-6-0-6-7-9) sts at beg of the next 2(4-2-0-2-4-2) RS rows for shoulder—12 sts.  

- posted 10/18/17