Modern, minimal and timeless, the Berroco Mykonos collection is made of accessories and garments that you can knit, throw on, and wear with ease. 

Booklet available at your local yarn shop or online retailer.

Pattern Corrections

Maris, p. 13 in booklet ONLY (single PDF has been corrected)

Corrections are in bold.

Right Side

...AT THE SAME TIME, when armhole measures 6½(7-7½-7½-8-8-8½-8½)”, bind off 2(4-3-5-4-6-5-7) sts at armhole edge every WS row 1(3-1-3-1-3-1-3) times...

Left Side
...AT THE SAME TIME, when armhole measures 6½(7-7½-7½-8-8-8½-8½)”, bind off 2(4-3-5-4-6-5-7) sts at armhole edge every RS row 1(3-1-3-1-3-1-3) times...

- posted 4/18/16

Odele, p. 10 in booklet (single PDF version has been corrected.)

Corrections in bold.

Left Side:

Dec Row (RS): Knit to last 3 sts, SSK, k1 – 1 st dec’d. Rep Dec Row every RS row 27(27-25-23-21-19-17-15) times more, then every 4th row 2(2-4-6-8-10-12-14) times.

-posted 2/5/16

Finishing - Neck Edging, after picking up sts:

Break off yarn, leaving sts on circular needle.  With RS facing, using provisional cast-on, cast on 4 sts onto RH needle.

Row 1 (RS):  K3, SSK.  DO NOT turn.  Sl 4 sts from RH needle to LH needle, to work next row from RS.  

(Double-pointed needles are not required for this method.)

- posted 7/6/17

Alethea, p. 9 in booklet only

Omit "pm" in third "Next Row," and omit "dropping marker on last row" after 7th "Next Row."

8th "Next row": Yo, k1, * yo, k2tog, rep from * to end - 64 sts.

- posted 3/10/16

***** Next Row:  Yo, k2tog, knit to last 3 sts, end k2tog, k1 – 66 sts.  Rep the last row 10 times more – 56 sts.

Next Row:  * Yo, k2tog, rep from * to last 4 sts, end yo, k3tog, k1 – 55 sts.

Next Row:  Yo, k2tog, knit to last 3 sts, end k2tog, k1 – 54 sts.

Rep the last 2 rows 8 times  more – 35  sts. 

Next Row:  * Yo, k2tog, rep from * to last 4 sts, end yo, k3tog, k1 – 34 sts.

Next Row:  Yo, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, end k2tog, k1 – 33 sts.

Rep the last 2 rows until 6  sts remain.

- posted 5/13/16