Inspired by the many things we think of when we hear the word “home,” this is a cozy collection is of garments, blankets and accessories for the home.

Booklet available at your local yarn shop or online retailer.

Pattern Corrections

Mums (pg. 32 in booklet only; single PDF version has been updated)

Corrections in bold.

Following Rnd 36:
Rnd 37: Knit to last st, pm, sl next st to RH needle, drop marker, sl same st back to LH needle.

Pattern Repeat:
Work Rnds 14-15 seven times.
Work Rnds 18-37 - 352 sts.

- correction amended 11/30/15

Sutton, booklet p. 22 [PDF version corrected 10/2/15]

Corrections in bold.

Rnd 8: Ch 1, sc in next st, 2 sc in next st, rep from * around, join with a sl st in beg ch-1 -- 72 sts. Work, even in sc on 72 sts until piece measures 17" from beg.

- posted 10/2/15

Red Clover, p. 25  in booklet ONLY (PDF pattern has been corrected)

Corrections are in bold.

Work as for back until armholes measure...

- posted 10/20/16

Leighton, p. 20 in booklet

Corrections in bold.

Chart B, Rnd 15 should read: [P1, p in front and back of next st, p1, k4] 3 times, p1, p in front and back of next st, p1.

Inc Rnd after Ribbing should result in 100 sts.

Leg: Dec Rnd: Rep Dec Rnd every 3 rnds 18 times more - 62 sts.

- posted 3/4/16

Dillon, p. 16 (in booklet)

Corrections are in bold.

Pattern B, Row 4: K7, k2tog, yo, k13, k2tog, yo, k8.

- posted 8/5/15

Champlain, p. 18 in booklet

Corrections are in bold.

Body - stitch count after all Inc Rows are complete should be 173(185-195-207-223-233) sts.

Yoke - stitch count after Joining Row is complete should be 229(249-259-271-295-313) sts.

- posted 12/31/15