Whimsical garments and accessories showcase intriguing lace patterns and simple textures in soft, wearable shades.

Pattern Corrections

4. Phacelia, p. 12
Correction in bold.

Straight Section:
Row 8: P1, * p1, k1, rep from * to last 2 sts, end k2. Rep Rows 1 - 8 twice more, then rep Row 5 - 8 three times more. Rep Rows 1 - 8  once more, then rep Rows 5 - 8 until longest side measures approximately 191/2” from beg, ending on WS with Row 8. Mark shortest side edge at this point.

Bajada - corrections in bold

Page 10

Dec Row 1 (RS): Work Row 1 of Pat St A to first marker, k2 tog, k to last marker, work Pat St B to end - 44 sts.