Whether you're after instant gratification or light layers, you'll find them in this radiant collection of fraternal twins.

Pattern Corrections

Corrections are in bold.

Kemari, page 13

Back: 2nd Following Row: & Lower Sleeves: Cuff: Delete –Beg with a p row.

Left Front:

Row 1 (RS):  K to last 10 sts, place marker, p1, k6, p1, k2.

Row 2:  Sl 2 WYIF, k1, p6, k1, sl marker, p to end.

—posted 3/7/11

Right Front
Row 1 (RS): Sl 2WYIB, p1, k10,p1, place marker, k to end.
Row 2: P to marker, k1, p10, k1,p2.

—posted 3/7/12

Right Collar: Work same as bottom band for back until Row 5 has been repeated 4 times morem end on WS – 14 sts.
Next Row (RS): K1, k2tog, k to last st, m1k, k1.
Following Row: Purl
Rep these 2 rows until collar reaches from center back neck to last st bound off for front neck, end on WS. Dec at end same as for back.

—posted 0/12/11

Corrections are in bold.

Kilikiti, page 14

Back: 3rd Following Row: Delete – Beg with a p row.

Left Front:

Row 1 (RS):  K to last 14 sts, place marker, p1, k10, p1, k2.

Row 2:  Sl 2 WYIF, k1, p10, k1, sl marker, p to end.

—posted 3/7/11

Right collar: Work same as bottom band for back until Row 5 has been repeated 6 times more end on WS – 18 sts.

Next Row (RS): K1, k2tog, k to last st, m1k, k1.

Following Row: Purl

Rep these 2 rows until collar reaches from center back neck to last st bound off for front neck, end on WS. Dec at end same as for back.

—posted 9/26/11

Petange, page 14 & 15

Finished Measurements

Bust (closed) - 36(40-44-48-52-56)”

—posted 8/29/11


Corrections are in bold.

Troco, page 9

Note: White marker will be at beg of rnd (at left front armhole).

Sleeves: The knit 1 rnd and purl 1 rnd stated after the 8½” is in the wrong place. After cast on and mark for beg of rnd, knit 1 rnd, purl 1 rnd at beg of sleeve.

—posted 5/20/11