Outfit your entire family in timeless, textured pieces, all worked in 100% recycled fiber Remix.

Pattern Corrections


Row 8 on the chart has been revised.   - updated 3/15/13

[PDF version of this pattern has this correction incorporated.]






Corrections are in bold. These corrections apply to the booklet version only; they have already been inlcuded in the PDF version of this pattern.

Arshile, page 15

Right Placket:
Row 1 (RS): * K2, p2, rep from * across, end k2(2-2-0-0-0).

—posted 11/22/10

Corrections are in bold. These corrections apply to the booklet version only; they have been included in the PDF pattern.

Daron, page 13

Work Right Front first, omitting buttonholes given. Mark placement of 6 buttons on frontband, the first 1½” up from lower edge, the last ½” below beg of neck and the other 4 evenly spaced between.


After Row 2 of Establish Frontband, it should read: Work even in pat as established until piece measures 1½”, end on WS.
Buttonhole Row (RS): K3, bind off 2 sts, work to end. Make 5 more buttonholes opposite markers on right frontband.

—posted 11/22/10

With smaller needles, cast on 59(67-71-75-83) sts.
Establish Frontband: Row 1 (RS): K8, place marker, p1, k2, (p2, k2) 12(14-15-16-18) times.
Row 2: * P2, k2, rep from * to 3 sts before marker, p1, k1, k8. Work even in pat as established until piece measures 3” from beg, end on RS, dec 1(3-3-1-5) sts across last row to marker – 58(64-68-74-78) sts. Change to larger needles.
Establish Pat St: Row 1 (RS): K8, work Row 39 of Chart to last 10(16-20-26-30) sts, place marker, work Row 1 of Moss St to end.
Row 2: Work Row 2 of Moss St to first marker, work Row 40 of Chart to last marker, k to end. Work even in pat as established until piece measures 16(16½-16½-17-17)” from beg, end on RS.
Shape Armhole: Bind off 5(5-6-6-6) sts at beg of the next WS row, then 2 sts at beg of the next WS row – 51(57-60-66-70) sts. Dec 1 st at armhole edge every RS row 8(11-5-6-5) times – 43(46-55-60-65) sts. Work even until armhole measures 6½(7-7½-8-8½)” from beg, end on RS.
Shape Neck: Next Row (RS): Work 15 sts, then slip these sts to holder, bind off 4 sts, work to end – 24(27-33-41-46) sts. Bind off 3 sts at neck edge once, 2 sts once, then dec 1 st at neck edge every RS row twice – 17(20-29-34-39) sts. Work even until armhole measures 8½(9-9½-10-10½)”, end on RS. Bind off 5(6-9-12-13) sts at armhole edge once, then 6(7-10-11-13) sts twice for shoulder. Mark placement of 6 buttons on frontband, the first 1½” up from lower edge, the last ½” below beg of neck and the other 4 evenly spaced between.

Work to correspond to left front, reversing all shaping and placement of pat sts. When piece measures 1½” from beg, end on WS.
Buttonhole Row (RS): Work to last 5 sts, bind off 2 sts, k to end.
Following Row: Work in pat as established, cast on 2 sts over sts bound off on previous row. Make 5 more buttonholes opposite markers on right frontband. Bind off for armhole and shoulder on RS rows. When shaping neck, end on RS. On next WS row, work 15 sts, sl these sts to holder, bind off 4 sts, then work to end.

—posted 8/5/11


Correction to PDF pattern

RIGHT FRONT, after "Establish Frontband"

Row 2: * P2, k2, rep from * to 3 sts before marker, p2, k1, k8.

-posted 3/18/21

Corrections are in bold. These corrections apply to the booklet version only; they have been incorporated into the individual PDF pattern.

Paz, page 15 & 16

Mock ribbing
Row 1 (RS): K1, *p1, K1, rep from * across.
Row 2 (WS): P1, *sl 1 WYIF, p1, rep from * across.

—posted 9/9/10

Corrections are in bold. These corrections apply to the booklet version only; they have been incorporated into the individual PDF pattern.

Sarkis, page 9

Work even until 105 rows have been completed, end with 7th row of Reverse St st band. Dec 1 st 3 sts in from each edge every 1ST row 10 times – 100 sts. Work even until 175 rows have been completed, end with 7th row of Reverse St st band. Bind off.

—posted 12/30/10