Tweedy classics with quirky touches, an endearing collection to see you through the chilly seasons.

Pattern Corrections

Corrections are in bold.

Cleese, page 11

Left front: Next Row (WS): Change to larger needles.

—posted 6/17/11

Corrections are in bold.

Payson, page 12 & 13

Follow revised Chart 1 until 70 rows of chart have been completed 3 times, then work Rows 1-10 once more, end on WS.

—posted 7/19/10

Corrections are in bold.

Weston, page 16

Syncopated Tweed Pat is the wrong Pat ST

Eyelet row(WS): K3: *yo,p2tog, rep from * to last 3 sts, end k3.

After working initial Eyelet Row, inc 3 sts evenly across row--47 sts.

Tri-Color Waves Stripes Pat:
Row 1 (RS): With Clover, k4, *sl 3 wyib, k1; rep from * end k4. 
Row 2: With Clover, k3, p2 * sl 1 wyif, p3; rep from *, end sl1, p2, k3. 
Row 3: With Clover, knit. 
Row 4: With Clover, purl. 
Rows 5-8 With Evergreen, repeat Rows 1-4
Rows 9-12, with Cranberry Bog, repeat Rows 1-4.

Repeat Rows 1-12 six times, then change to Clover and proceed as written in pattern, dec 1 st on Row 1 of Apple Tree pattern.

—posted 9/9/10