Multicolored and multifacted, these flirtatious garments will see you through the season and beyond.

Pattern Corrections

Corrections in bold.

Bellambie, page 9

Back Bodice, Shape shoulder and side edge – Work in pat as established, inc 1 sr at end of RS rows every ½(½-¾-1-1-1)” 5 times more – 55(55-57-59-61-63) sts. Top of center column – at same edge every ½(½-¾-1-1-1)” 5 times more – 49(49-51-53-55-57) sts.
Make the same changes on Front Bodice at end of WS rows then the Dec at end of RS rows.

—updated 3/4/11

Corrections in Bold.

Kiama, page 13

Stitch Glossary – 
Inc 2 – When working this inc at ALL markers WS rows, pick up horizontal strand between st just worked and next st, place on LH needle, 
work 2 sts in pat in this strand – 2 sts inc’d.
Lower Section – DO NOT join. Delete- Beg with a p row.
Rep this inc every 1¾(1¾-2)” 7 times more - 317(337-355) sts.

—posted 4/6/10

Corrections in bold.

Kirra Crochet, page 8

DO NOT use booklet pattern.

Skill level:  Easy

Shown in size X-Small/Small


Directions are for women’s size X-Small/Small.  Changes for sizes Medium/Large and 1X/2X are in parentheses.


Bust – 40(44-48)”

Length – 29(30½-32)”

Note:  Since this shrug is not designed to meet in the front, the bust measurement is very forgiving and each size given will fit a multiple of sizes.

19(22-25) Hanks BERROCO ORIGAMI (50 grs), #4361 Party by the Shore
Crochet hook, size J-10 (6.00 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
8 St markers

14 sts = 4”;  16 rows = 4” in Pat St


Note:  Sc and ch 1 each count as 1 st.


Inc 2

Work sc, ch 1, sc in next st, working incs into Pat St


Yoke/Sleeves of this garment are worked sideways from right sleeve cuff to left sleeve cuff.  Sleeve seams are sewn, then lower section is worked around lower edge beginning and ending at center front.  There is no opening for neck.


With crochet hook, ch 36.

Row 1:  Sc in 2nd ch from hook, * ch 1, skip 1 ch, sc in next ch, rep from * across – 35sts.  Ch 1, turn.

Row 2:  Sc in first sc and first ch-1 space, * ch 1, skip 1 sc, sc in next ch-1 space, rep from * across, end sc in last sc.  Ch 1, turn.  Rep Row 2 for Pat St.  Work even until piece measures 3” from beg.  Inc 1 st each end of next row, then every 4¼(3¼-2)” 3(4-6) times more, working incs into Pat St – 43(45-49) sts.  Work even until piece measures 17” from beg.  Mark beg and end of last row for beg of yoke.  Work even until yoke measures 10(11-12)” above markers.  Mark end of last row for center front.  Work even until yoke measures 20(22-24)” above yoke markers.  Mark beg and end of last row for end of yoke.  Work even for 1”.  Dec 1 st each end of next row, then every 4¼(3¼-2)” 3(4-6) times more – 35 sts.  Work even until piece measures 17” above last set of yoke markers.  Fasten off.  Fold piece in half lengthwise, matching markers, then sew sleeve seams to yoke markers.


With RS facing, using crochet hook, beg at center front marker, work 139(153-167) sc’s around entire lower edge of Yoke/Sleeve section, ending back at center front marker.  Ch 1, turn.

Row 1:  Sc in first sc, * ch 1, skip 1 sc, sc in next sc, rep from * across.  Ch 1, turn.

Row 2:  Sc in first sc and first ch-1 space, * ch 1, skip next sc, sc in next ch-1 space, rep from * across, end sc in last sc.  Rep Row 2 for Pat St.  Work even until piece measures 1” from beg, end on WS.  Ch 1, turn.

Inc Row 1:  Work 9(9-13) sts, place marker, Inc 2 in next st, * work 16(18-19) sts, place marker, Inc 2 in next st, rep from * 6 times more, place marker, work to end – 155(169-183) sts.  Continue to work incs after markers in this manner every 3” 7 times more – 267(281-295) sts.  Work even until piece measures 23(24-25)” from beg.  Fasten off.


Sew front edges of lower section tog 1½” down from yoke, leaving remaining edges open.   

—posted 2/26/10

Corrections in Bold.

Kirra Knit, page 14

Stitch Glossary –
Inc 2 – When working this inc at ALL markers WS rows, pick up horizontal strand between st just worked and next st, place on LH needle, 
work 2 sts in pat in this strand – 2 sts inc’d.
Lower Section – DO NOT join. Delete- Beg with a p row.

Corrections in Bold.

Tilba, page 12

Left Front

With straight needles, cast on 43(47-51-56-60) sts.

Establish Frontband: Row 1 (RS): K26(30-34-39-43), place marker, k17.

Row 2: Knit.

Row 3: K to marker, p to end.

Row 4: P to marker, k to end. Rep these 4 rows until piece measures 5½”, end on WS. From here, work 26(30-34-39-43) sts before marker in St st while continuing to work frontband sts in pat as established. When piece measures 12½(13-13-13½-14)” from beg, end on WS.

—posted 2/26/10