In a hurry? Pick up the big needles and knit or crochet your choice of items.

Pattern Corrections

Corrections shown in BOLD

Cosima, page 9

Back: Establish Pat St: Row 2: K2 (6-9-13-3-6), * p1, k1, p1, work row 24 of chart over 11 sts *; rep between *’s 1 (1-1-1-2-2) time(s) more, ** p1,k1,p1, work Row 2 of chart over 11 sts **; rep between **’s 1 (1-1-1-2-2) time(s) more, p1,k1,p1, k2 ( 6-9-13-3-6).

Right Front, page 10
Establish Pat St: Row 1(RS) (P1,k1) twice * work Row 1 of chart over 11 sts, k1, p1, k1; rep fron * 2(2-2-2-3-3) times more, p1(5-8-12-2-5).

—posted 3/13/09

Corrections in Bold.

Charles, page 15

Scarf: With straight needles, using A, cast on 15 st, place marker, with B cast on 24 sts.

Bark, page 15

4 Hanks Berroco Cuzco (100g), #9629 Ginseng


Inc Rnd 3:(Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc’s, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 22 sc’s, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc’s, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc) twice- 72 sts.


Queue, page 16

Horseshoe cable pattern
Row 2: (RS): P2, sl 2 sts to cn and hold in BACK, k2, k2 from cn, sl2 sts to cn and hold in FRONT, k2,k2from cn, p2.

Rib pattern:
Row 1 (WS): K1, *p1, k1, rep from * across.
Row 2 (RS): P1, *k1, p1, rep from * across.

- posted 10/11/13

Quixotic, page 11


3 Hanks each Berroco Peruvia Quick

—posted 8/1/09