Decorate your home with knit and crochet.

Pattern Corrections

Castene, page 13 (original printed booklet only; PDF version has been corrected)

Woven Block Stitch ( Multiple of 9 sts + 4)

Row 5: With A, k3, * sl 1 WYIF, ( k1, sl 1WYIF) 3 times, k2, rep from * to last st, end k1.

—posted 7/6/09

Caylix, page 12

Hexagon C (Make 25)
Hexagon D (Make 25)

—posted 2/22/11

Corrections shown in bold

“How to use Charts”
For Charts 5 and 7, for pillows 2, begin at A, work to D, rep between C and D, end at F.
For Chart 6 for pillow 2, begin at B work to D, rep between C & D, end at E.

For Charts 5 for pillow 3, begin at B, work to D, rep between C and D, end at E.
For Chart 6 for pillow 3, begin at A, work to D, rep between C & D, end at F. 
Dec 2 sts before beginning Chart 7.
For Chart 7 for pillow 3, begin at B, work to D, rep between C & D, end at E.

—posted 11/14/08

Cyrah, page 11

Row 6: Rep Row 3 – 11 sts.

Rep Rows 5 and 6 (working 12 rows – 6 ridges – alternately with cream and black) until there are 63 sts on needle, end with Row 5. Continuing to alternate between 12 rows (6 ridges) of cream and black, continue as instructed in book.

—posted 2/25/09