8 great knits for men, women and children... plus accessories in our fabulous alpaca/ wool blend, Ultra Alpaca.


Pattern Corrections

Corrections in bold

#5 Alan

Please change to the larger size needles before you work the Garter St rows.

Materials: 3(3-4-4) hanks for childrens

- posted 7/13/11

Arnica, page 9

NOTE: For Boy’s version, work right front first, omitting buttonholes. Mark placement of buttons on frontband as given for left front. Work left front as given until piece measures 3½”, end on WS.
Buttonhole Row (RS): Work to last 6 sts, k2 tog, yo, k1, p1, k2. Complete as directed, making buttonholes opposite markers on right frontband.

- posted 7/29/10