Twenty-seven charming designs for kids of all ages. Kids will love fun details like knitted flowers and handy pockets, and parents will appreciate the washable yarns.

Pattern Corrections

Benson, p. 29

Corrections are in bold.

Right Front
Shape Armhole: Work even until armhole measures 4(4-4.5-4.5-5-5.5)”, end on WS.
Shape Neck: Bind off 10(10-11-11-12-13) sts at beg of the next row. Dec 1 st at same edge every RS row twice. When armhole measures 5(5-5.-5.-6-6.)”, end on RS.

Left Front: Bind off for armhole on RS row. Bind off for neck on WS row. Bind off for shoulder on RS rows.

- posted 5/9/16

Corrections are in Bold.

Blake, page 25

Back: With smaller needles, using CC….

—posted 5/1/12

Corrections are in Bold.

Bowman, page 31

Hood: after picking up sts – 64(64-66-66-68-68) sts. Bed with a p row, work in St st, bind off 7 sts at beg of the next 2 rows – 50 (50-52-52-54-54) sts.

—posted 5/14/12